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Dispute Resolution and Enforcement in draft Withdrawal Agreement inquiry launched

16 May 2018

The European Scrutiny Committee launches a short inquiry into Dispute Resolution and Enforcement in the draft Withdrawal Agreement.

Terms of reference

The inquiry examines the provisions of the draft Withdrawal Agreement between the UK and the EU in respect of dispute resolution and enforcement, in particular how the relevant provisions of the draft relate to each other (both during the proposed transition/implementing period and afterwards) and to the rest of the withdrawal agreement (in particular the financial settlement), their practical effect, and their conformity with international and EU norms.

The Articles particularly relevant to dispute settlement are Articles 82, 83, 126, 153 162-4; and Articles 10 – 13 of the draft Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland.

Submit your views

Submit your views through the Dispute Resolution and Enforcement in the draft Withdrawal Agreement inquiry page addressing the terms of reference above.

Deadline for written submissions is Friday, 8 June 2018.

Further information

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