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Post-Brexit Scrutiny of EU Law and Policy inquiry


The UK will leave the EU on 31 October 2019 unless a further extension of the Article 50 deadline is agreed or the UK’s Article 50 notification revoked before then. When the UK leaves the EU, it will no longer participate in EU institutions and decision-making structures. The EU Treaties and laws made under them will no longer apply directly in the UK as a matter of EU law, but this does not mean they will have no effect in the UK.

The inquiry will explore how EU laws and policies may continue to affect the UK after it has left the EU—with or without a deal—and what changes may be needed to the current system of scrutiny which has remained largely unchanged since the 1970s.

Key issues which the European Scrutiny Committee will wish to address in its inquiry include:

  • How the UK’s exit from the EU will affect the current system for scrutinising EU law and policy and what changes might be needed
  • Whether and how EU laws and policies might affect the UK after Brexit
  • What the purpose of scrutiny of EU law and policy should be in a post-exit world
  • What action the Government should take to “support and facilitate a strong parliamentary scrutiny process” post-exit
  • What form scrutiny should take to maximise its effectiveness

Inquiry launch press release

Read the full Terms of Reference here

A more detailed Call for Evidence is available here

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
4th Report - Post-Brexit Scrutiny of EU Law and Policy
Inquiry Post-Brexit Scrutiny of EU Law and Policy inquiry
HC 17

Oral evidence transcripts

No oral evidence transcripts published.

Written evidence

No written evidence published.

Other publications

No other publications published.

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  • Phone: 0207 219 8020 7219 6970 (media enquiries)