Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
8 January 2014
Commitee arranged evidence sessions into the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in the UK. The first evidence was held on Wednesday, 15 January 2015
This evidence session will be held in Committee Room 8 in the Palace of Westminster. Members of the public are welcome to attend.
At 2.45pm:
- David Anderson QC, Brick Court Chambers, Temple and Visiting Professor at King’s College, University of London
- Professor Paul Craig, Professor of English Law, St. John's College, Oxford University
- Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott, Professor of European and Human Rights Law, Lady Margaret Hall College, Oxford University
- Martin Howe QC, 8 New Square Chambers, Lincoln’s Inn
Further evidence sessions will take place on 22 January, with Rt Hon the Lord Peter Goldsmith PC QC, former Attorney General, and on 29 January, with Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, the Secretary of State for Justice. Further information on the timing and location of these sessions will be available at a later date.
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