Further evidence session on Invasive Species inquiry
24 January 2014
The Environmental Audit Committee hold a second public evidence hearing on the Invasive species inquiry at 2.30 pm on Wednesday 29 January 2014 in the Thatcher Room, Portcullis House.
- Parliament TV: Watch the evidence session on Invasive Species
- Inquiry: Invasive Species
- Environmental Audit Committee
At c2.30 pm (Panel 1)
Professor Max Wade, Chartered Institute of Ecology & Environmental Management
Mark Owen, Angling Trust
Henry Robinson, President, CLA
Chris Gerrard, Climate Change and Biodiversity Manager, Anglian Water
At c3.15 pm (Panel 2)
Dr David Bullock, Head of Nature Conservation, National Trust
Dr John David, Chief Scientist, Royal Horticultural Society
Martin Emmett, Horticultural Trades Association
Purpose of session
This session explores the risks and costs arising from the presence of non-native invasive species in Britain, how threats are monitored and how already established species can be controlled.