Local Nature Partnerships evidence session
27 February 2015
Environmental Audit Committee examine Progress on Local Nature Partnerships and Nature Improvement Area initiatives.
- Parliament TV: Local Nature Partnerships
- Inquiry: Local Nature Partnerships
- Environmental Audit Committee
Wednesday 4 March 2015 in Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster
At 2.30pm
- Dr Dominic Hogg, Executive Chair, West England Nature Partnership
- Rupert Clubb, Chair, Association of Directors of Environment Economy Planning & Transport
- Liz Newton, Director, Landscape and Geodiversity, Natural England
Purpose of the session
The Committee will examine the progress on the Local Nature Partnerships (LNPs) and Nature Improvement Area initiatives; the relationships between LNPs and Local Enterprise Partnerships and Health & Wellbeing Boards on the ground; and the support given to LNPs by the Government. The session will also look at how local bodies deal with the Birds and Habitats directives, and the European Commission’s current ‘fitness check’ of these directives.