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Flooding: Cooperation across Government evidence taken

21 January 2016

This is the first hearing of a short Environmental Audit Committee inquiry into flooding, looking particularly at cooperation across Government.


Wednesday 27 January 2016, Wilson Room, Portcullis House.

At 2.00pm

  • Lord Krebs, Chair of the Adaptation Sub-Committee, Committee on Climate Change
  • Matthew Bell, Chief Executive, Committee on Climate Change
  • Daniel Johns, Head of Adaptation, Committee on Climate Change

At 3.00pm

  • Professor Dieter Helm, University of Oxford

Purpose of the session

Following another winter of severe UK floods, the Committee investigates whether the current cross-Government approach to flooding is sustainable.

The Committee seek to hear evidence on:

  • whether the Government's departments and agencies take a joined-up approach to this issue,
  • strengths and weaknesses of the Government's current approach, and
  • what must action must be taken to ensure that the UK is best-placed to deal with future flooding.

Further information

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