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Flooding: George Monbiot and Environment Agency give evidence

29 January 2016

Campaigning journalist George Monbiot and representatives from the Environment Agency give evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee on flooding. The Committee also questions the Environment Agency.


Wednesday 3 February 2016, Grimond Room, Portcullis House

At 1.45pm

  • George Monbiot, Columnist, The Guardian

At 3.05pm

  • Sir James Bevan, Chief Executive, Environment Agency
  • John Curtin, Acting Executive Director of Flood and Coastal Risk Management, Environment Agency

Purpose of the session

This is the second hearing of the Environmental Audit Committee's inquiry into flooding, looking particularly at cooperation across Government. Following another winter of severe UK floods, the Committee is investigating whether the current cross-Government approach to flooding is sustainable.

The Committee seeks evidence on whether the Government's departments and agencies take a joined-up approach to this issue, the strengths and weaknesses of the Government's current approach, and what must action must be taken to ensure that the UK is best-placed to deal with future flooding.

Further information

Image: iStockphoto