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Adult skills and lifelong learning


The Education Committee is relaunching their inquiry into adult skills and lifelong learning (ASALL). The Committee's inquiry will examine the state of adult skills and lifelong learning (ASALL) provision. The inquiry will explore key themes such as participation in ASALL, the balance and range of different forms of provision, and the role of employer-led training. The inquiry will also examine the role played by local authorities/combined authority areas in providing adult education.

Terms of reference

  • The individual, social and economic benefits of adult skills and lifelong learning (ASALL).
  • Levels of participation in lifelong learning, and how to address the barriers to participation faced by disadvantaged groups.
  • The role of ASALL in addressing skills needs of workers whose jobs are at risk, and those experiencing in-work poverty.
  • The role of community learning providers, and whether enough is being done to support them.
  • Regional disparities in ASALL provision across local and combined authorities, and how well devolution of the Adult Education Budget is working.
  • What measures would be effective in supporting employers to invest in training and reskilling, particularly for low-skilled workers.
  • The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on ASALL provision and demand.

Reports, special reports and government responses

View all reports and responses
Third report - A plan for an adult skills and lifelong learning revolution
Inquiry Adult skills and lifelong learning
HC 278
Response to this report
Third Special Report - A plan for an adult skills and lifelong learning revolution: Government Response to the Committee’s Third Report
HC 1310
Special Report
Third Special Report - A plan for an adult skills and lifelong learning revolution: Government Response to the Committee’s Third Report
Inquiry Adult skills and lifelong learning
HC 1310
Special Report
Letter from the Under Secretary of State for Apprenticeships and Skills, following her appearance before the Committee on 29 September 2020, dated 16 October 2020
Inquiry Adult skills and lifelong learning

Oral evidence transcripts

No oral evidence transcripts published.

Written evidence

No written evidence published.

Other publications

No other publications published.

Contact us

  • Email:
  • Phone: 020 7219 2370 (general enquiries) | 020 7219 8895 (media enquiries)
  • Address: Education Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA