An SDSR checklist of potential threats from a regional perspective
30 October 2015
The Defence Committee hold third evidence session on their inquiry on an SDSR checklist of potential threats.
- Watch Parliament TV: An SDSR checklist of potential threats (audio only due to problem with cameras)
- Inquiry: An SDSR checklist of potential threats
- Defence Committee
Tuesday 3 November 2015, Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster
At 11.30am
- Dr Alia Brahimi, Visiting Fellow at the Oxford University Changing Character of War Programme
- Jon Marks, Chairman and Editorial Director, Cross-border Information Ltd
At 12.15pm
- Edward Schwarck, Royal United Services Institute
- Dr Igor Sutyagin, Royal United Services Institute
- Peter Roberts, Senior Research Fellow, Royal United Services Institute
Purpose of the session
Discussion will concentrate on the regional threats with the purpose of the session to understand current and emerging threats from a regional perspective.