Understanding the Government's methodology and response to potential threats
22 October 2015
The Defence Committee holds its second evidence session on its inquiry on Flexible response? An SDSR checklist of potential threats.
- Watch Parliament TV: Flexible response? An SDSR checklist of potential threats
- Inquiry: Flexible response? An SDSR checklist of potential threats
- Defence Committee
Tuesday 27 October 2015, Committee Room 8, Palace of Westminster
At 11.30am
- General Sir Nicholas Houghton, Chief of the Defence Staff
- General Sir Richard Barrons, Commander of Joint Forces Command
- Campbell McCafferty, Director of the Civil Contingencies Secretariat, Cabinet Office.
Purpose of the Session
Discussion will concentrate on the current threat picture and what potential threats may arise during the period of the 2015 SDSR. The purpose of the session is to understand the Government’s methodology for the analysis of threats and it’s capability to respond to unexpected security challenges.