European Defence Industrial Development Programme examined by MPs
16 November 2018
The Defence and European Scrutiny committees will hold a joint public hearing on the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP).
- Watch Parliament TV: European Defence Industrial Development Programme
- Inquiry: European Defence Industrial Development Programme
- Defence Committee
Purpose of the session
This session will be held jointly by the Defence and European Scrutiny Committees and will examine the UK's expectations and aspirations for engagement with the European Defence Industrial Development Programme, the European Defence Fund European Defence Fund, Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and the Galileo programme.
Wednesday 21 November 2018
Committee Room 16, Palace of Westminster
At 3.00pm
- Stuart Andrew MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State and Minister for Defence Procurement
- Linda Dann, Head of European Bilateral Relations and EU Exit, Ministry of Defence
- Valerie Evans, Head of the International Relations Group, Defence Equipment and Support
Further information
Image: European External Action Service - EEAS