Impact of NPPF on sustainable development
20 August 2014
This is the Committee’s eighth oral evidence session for its inquiry into the Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework.
- Parliament TV: Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework
- Inquiry: Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework
- Communities and Local Government Committee
The session explores, firstly, local authorities’ views about the operation of the NPPF; and, secondly, the impact of the NPPF on sustainable development, including the balance between economic and environmental factors.
Wednesday 10 September, location TBC
- Cllr Matthew Barber, Leader, Vale of White Horse District Council (submission 87)
- Cllr James Murray, Executive Member for Housing and Development, London Borough of Islington (submission 227)
- Cllr Hazel Simmons, Leader, Luton Borough Council (submission 268)
- Neil Sinden, Director of Policy and Campaigns, Campaign to Protect Rural England (submission 127)
- Nicola Walker, Director of Business Environment, Confederation of British Industry (submission 166)