Impact of the NPPF on design and amenity
21 July 2014
This is the committee’s seventh oral evidence session for its inquiry into the Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework.
- Parliament TV: Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework
- Inquiry: Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework
- Communities and Local Government Committee
This session explores the impact of the NPPF on design and amenity and on transport and infrastructure.
Monday 21 July, Wilson Room, Portcullis House
- Freddie Gick, Chair, Civic Voice (submission 196)
- Ruth Reed, Chair, Planning Expert Advisory Group, RIBA (submission 229)
- David Waterhouse, Head of Strategy, Design Council (submission 208)
- Ian Achurch, Board Secretary, Planning, Regeneration and Housing Board, Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (ADEPT) (submission 192)
- Phil Crabtree, Chief Planning Officer, Leeds City Council (submission 149 and submission 257)
- Stephen Joseph, Chief Executive, Campaign for Better Transport (submission 276)