NPPF inquiry looks at town centres and energy
14 July 2014
The Communities and Local Government Committee’s sixth oral evidence sessions for its inquiry into the Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework takes place on 14 July. The session explores planning for town centres and planning for energy infrastructure.
- Parliament TV: Watch the evidence session on the operation of the National Planning Policy Framework
- Inquiry: Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework
- Communities and Local Government Committee
14 July, Grimond Room, Portcullis House
- James Lowman, Chief Executive, Association of Convenience Stores (submission 176)
- Ian Anderson, Chairman of Planning Committee, BCSC (submission 228)
- Stephen Wright, Principal Planning Lawyer, John Lewis Partnership (submission 171)
- Jane Smith, Planning Adviser, Energy UK (submission 203)
- David Cox, Head of Development in England, RES (submission 178)
- Gemma Grimes, Director of Onshore Renewables, RenewableUK (submission 205)