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Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework


The Committee is conducting an inquiry into the operation of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in its first two years. The Committee wants to hear about the impact of the framework on planning for housing, town centres and energy infrastructure.

Terms of reference

The Committee invites submissions on how the NPPF has worked in practice since it came into operation in April 2012. The Committee has three areas it wishes to examine and would welcome submissions that address one or more of the following:

  • planning for housing;
  • town centres; and
  • planning for energy infrastructure (excluding energy infrastructure covered by National Policy Statements).

The Committee also seeks views on the implications upon the NPPF of the findings of its research into the nature of planning constraints. Evidence from local government scrutiny committees is particularly welcome.

The deadline for written submissions was 5pm on Thursday, 8 May.