Work news

End dominance of big homebuilding firms to fix broken market
Communities and Local Government Committee report on capacity in the homebuilding industry
29 April 2017

Housing Minister questioned on homebuilding industry
Communities and Local Government Committee questions Gavin Barwell MP on capacity in homebuilding industry
23 February 2017

Chair of Homes and Communities Agency questioned by Committee
Communities and Local Government Committee questions Chair of HCA on Capacity in homebuilding industry inquiry
6 February 2017

Homebuilding evidence session focus on skills and productivity
Communities and Local Government Committee continues examination of homebuilding industry
12 January 2017

Housing associations and councils questioned on homebuilding
Communities and Local Government Committee questions housing associations and local authorities on homebuilding industry
28 November 2016

Small-volume homebuilders questioned on housing demand
Communities and Local Government Committee examines role of small and medium-sized homebuilders concerning housing demand
21 November 2016

UK homebuilders questioned on industry capacity
Communities and Local Government Committee hears from housing developers on capacity in homebuilding industry
28 October 2016

Capacity in the homebuilding industry explored
Communities and Local Government Committee questions homebuilding organisations and property management and development company
13 October 2016

Capacity of the homebuilding industry inquiry launched
Communities and Local Government Committee launches inquiry into the capacity of the homebuilding industry
5 July 2016
Total results 9 (page 1 of 1)
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- Phone: 020 7219 1975 (general enquiries) | 020 7219 7556 (media inquiries)
- Address: Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA