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MPs to examine educational challenges faced by children from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities

17 February 2022

On Tuesday 22 February the Education Committee holds the first evidence session of its new inquiry into educational challenges facing children and young people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller backgrounds.

During the session, a panel of experts is likely to be asked questions around why children from these communities have the lowest attainment in GCSE results compared with young people from other ethnic backgrounds. 


MPs are also likely to ask questions around issues of bullying and racism, and of digital exclusion. 


The inquiry will explore how the Government’s £1 million education programme for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children is performing, and whether other initiatives may be needed to support children from these backgrounds. 


During this session, the MPs will also question staff from schools in Surrey, Suffolk and County Durham.




Tuesday 22 February,

Panel 1: 10am – 10.45am 

  • Pauline Anderson OBE, Chair of Trustees, The Traveller Movement
  • Emma Nuttall, Advise and Policy Manager, Friends, Families and Travellers
  • Lisa Smith, Committee Chair, Advisory Council for the Education of Romany and other Travellers (ACERT)
  • Baroness Janet Whitaker, Co-chair of the APPG for Gypsies, Travellers and Roma

Panel 2: 10.45am – 12pm 

  • Vasile Sandu, Teaching Assistant, St Matthew's Church of England Primary School, Ipswich, Suffolk
  • Jo Luhman, Head Teacher, Kings International College, Camberley, Surrey 
  • Paula Strachan, Head Teacher, St Teresa’s Catholic Primary School, Darlington, County Durham

Further information

Image: Pixabay