Committee to extend consultation period for Code of Conduct report
17 December 2021
The Committee on Standards has announced today that it is extending the deadline for written evidence for its consultation on proposed changes to the Code of Conduct for MPs, to 10 February 2022.
The Committee wants to ensure that as many people and organisations as possible are able to contribute to the consultation. It wants to hear from MPs across all parties, expert organisations and think tanks, academics, and others.
The consultation comes as part of a two-stage process which will culminate in a revised Code of Conduct and Guide to the Rules for Members being put to the House for approval.
The first stage involved taking oral and written evidence from a range of stakeholders, together with considering the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards’ own review of the Code. The Committee published its initial report with proposals for consultation on 29 November 2021.
The Committee welcomes comments on its specific proposals for changes to the Code of Conduct and other areas or proposals on which it has asked for views, as set out in its initial report.
The Committee will consider all responses before making its final report to the House. This final report will be accompanied by a revised Code and Guide for approval by the House.
In taking decisions on its final report, the Committee will also take into account the conclusions of a judge-led review it has commissioned on the fairness and compatibility with natural justice of its procedures, announced on 9 December 2021.
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