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How can the UK meet net zero? Climate Change Committee Chair and Chief Economist to give evidence on its recent Progress Report to Parliament

8 July 2022

On Wednesday 13 July, members of the Environmental Audit Committee will be questioning the Chair of the Climate Change Committee (CCC), Lord Deben, on the CCC’s recent publication of the latest progress report to Parliament. Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee, Darren Jones MP, will be guesting at the evidence session.

EAC will be questioning the CCC on the progress the Government is making towards it net zero and climate change adaptation goals. Joining Lord Deben will be the Chief Economist at the CCC, Mike Thompson.

Some of the headlines of the CCC’s recent report are:

  • The UK has demonstrated leadership through its 2050 net zero target and nationally determined contribution to reduce emissions by 68% by 2030 on 1990 levels;
  • However, significant policy gaps remain: strategies and detailed plans are needed for waste management, land use and agriculture and achieving full electricity decarbonisation by 2035;
  • If delivered in full, the Government’s pathway would slightly outperform the Sixth Carbon Budget (2033-37) but significant risks or a policy gap remain in respect of 38% of the emissions reductions required to meet the budget;
  • Currently the most challenging sectors for decarbonisation are buildings, manufacturing and construction, agriculture and land use and engineered removal


Wednesday 13 July in Committee Room 15, Palace of Westminster

At 1.45pm

  • Rt. Hon the Lord Deben, Chair, Climate Change Committee
  • Mike Thompson, Chief Economist, Climate Change Committee

Further information

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