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Law and trade experts present views on EU trade deal bodies

8 July 2021

MPs on the European Scrutiny Committee will take evidence from academics and prominent lawyers in international and trade law on 12 July as it examines the structure and powers of the bodies created to oversee the UK-EU trade deal.


Monday 12 July 2021

At 2.30pm

  • Martin Howe QC, Barrister at law, 8 New Square
  • Professor David Collins, Professor of International Economic Law, City, University of London
  • Dr Lorand Bartels, Reader in International Economic Law, University of Cambridge
  • Christophe Bondy, Partner, Steptoe and Johnson

Purpose of the session

The deal, called the Trade and Cooperation Agreement, created a number of joint UK/EU bodies that are designed to ensure it runs smoothly. These bodies will play an important role in the operation of the UK’s new relationship with the EU.

Subjects that are likely to be raised during the session include:

  • overview of the institutional framework
  • transparency of the joint UK/EU bodies;
  • operation of dispute resolution mechanisms; and
  • effectiveness of the chosen structures.

The European Scrutiny Committee is responsible for monitoring new and planned EU legislation, structures and activities and analysing the impact that they could have on the UK. The new inquiry into these bodies aims to identify the EU’s approach to them and how the UK could best strategically influence the decisions they make.

Further information

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