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Lord Dunlop and Michael Gove questioned on the Dunlop Review

18 May 2021

Members of the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs, Northern Ireland Affairs, Scottish Affairs and Welsh Affairs committees examine the lessons of the Dunlop report and the future of intergovernmental relations


Thursday 20 May, virtual meeting

At 1.45pm

  • Lord Dunlop

At 2.30pm

  • Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
  • Sue Gray, Second Permanent Secretary, Cabinet Office

The Dunlop Review was commissioned in 2019 to consider whether existing UK Government structures to support the working of the Union were effective and whether reform was necessary. The review was published in March 2021, although it had been submitted to the Government in November 2019.

Among its recommendations was the creation of a new Secretary of State for Intergovernmental and Constitutional Affairs to provide day-to-day oversight of matters relating to the constitution and the devolved nations. The Dunlop Review further found that the UK’s intergovernmental machinery was not fit for purpose and called for the establishment of a UK Intergovernmental Council. The Review also suggested reforms to the civil service and UK Government spending.

The session focuses on Lord Dunlop’s Review and the UK Government’s response to it. Topics that may be covered include: the UK Government’s ambitions for the Union, the role of the Prime Minister in intergovernmental relations and the future of devolution.

Further information

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