Foreign Affairs Committee’s Myanmar inquiry to hold evidence session
21 May 2021
On Tuesday 25 May, the Foreign Affairs Committee will hold an evidence session as part of its inquiry into the ongoing crisis in Myanmar.
For the first panel the Committee will hear from voices from inside Myanmar, including Minister of International Cooperation, National Unity Government of Myanmar, Dr Sasa, who is currently in hiding, alongside other prominent activists. The second panel will provide a multilateral perspective, with experts on the UN and civil society providing insight into the UK’s potential role. This session will help inform the Committee’s short report on Myanmar.
Tuesday 25 May
Panel one - at 2.30pm
- Dr Sasa, Minister of International Cooperation, National Unity Government of Myanmar
- Naw K’nyaw Paw, General Secretary, Karen Peace Support Network
- Thinzar Shunlei Yi, Advocacy Coordinator, Action Committee for Democracy Development
Panel two - at 3.30pm
- Tom Andrews, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar
- Mark Farmaner, Director, Burma Campaign UK
- John Sifton, Asia Advocacy Director, Human Rights Watch
Further information
Image: flickr