Evidence session on Permitted Development Rights with Policy Exchange, London First and YIMBY Alliance
7 June 2021
The Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee continues its inquiry into Permitted Development Rights on Monday 7 June when it takes evidence from planning policy experts representing organisations including Policy Exchange, London First and the Association of Town and City Management.
- Watch Parliament TV: Permitted development rights
- Inquiry: Permitted development rights
- Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee
Purpose of the session
Permitted developments rights (PDR) allow for certain changes to be made to a building without the need to apply for planning permission. In recent years, the Government has expanded the use of PDRs with the aim of increasing the supply of new homes and boosting growth and renewal by giving building owners more flexibility in how premises are used.
The session will examine what impact reforms to permitted development rights have had on the wider planning system, as well as the ability of local authorities to shape their communities. It will consider if PDR can provide quality homes and not just increased numbers. It will also look at the broader impact on local economies, high streets and town centres.
From 4.00pm:
- Ojay McDonald, CEO, Association of Town and City Management
- John Myers, Representative, YIMBY Alliance, and Representative, PricedOut
- Matthew Davis, Head of Membership at Institute of Place Management
From 5.00pm:
- Dr Ben Clifford, Associate Professor in Spatial Planning and Government, Bartlett School of Planning, University College London
- Ben Southwood, Head of Housing, Transport, and Urban Space, Policy Exchange
- Sarah Bevan, Programme Director, Planning and Development, London First
Further information
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