Committee examines impact of changes to Permitted Development Rights
17 May 2021
The Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee holds the first session of its inquiry into Permitted Development Rights on Monday 17 May when it takes evidence from local government, the property sector, the Country Land and Business Association and the homelessness charity, Shelter.
Permitted developments rights (PDR) allow for certain changes to be made to a building without the need to apply for planning permission. In recent years, the Government has expanded the use of PDRs with the aim of increasing the supply of new homes and boosting growth and renewal by giving building owners more flexibility in how premises are used. In 2020, the Government legislated to permit conversion between a much wider range of commercial and business premises and to facilitate conversion of premises to residential use.
Purpose of the session
In this opening session of the inquiry, the Committee will examine the impact of PDRs on the wider planning system and the ability of local authorities to deliver the development goals of their areas. The Committee will also question witnesses on the impact of PDRs on the quantity – and quality – of new homes.
Monday 17 May
From 4.00pm
- Cllr Rachel Blake, Member of the Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport Board, Local Government Association
- Mark Worringham, Planning Policy Team Leader, Reading Council
- John Bibby, Policy Manager, Shelter
From 5.00pm:
- Mark Tufnell, Deputy President, Country Land and Business Association
- Ian Fletcher, Director of Policy, British Property Federation
- James Wickham, Representative, London Property Alliance
Further information
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