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Improving the life chances of children in care – Education Committee to quiz experts

14 October 2021

The Education Committee will hold the second evidence session for its inquiry on Children’s Homes on Tuesday 19th October at 10am. It will question witnesses including charity leaders and a local authority Virtual School Head.

Background of the session

The panel of four witnesses is likely to be asked about areas including what the Government could do to lower the number of care leavers who are not in education, employment or training (NEET). Currently 39% of care leavers are NEET.

MPs may also ask about the process of young people transitioning from residential care to independent living, and what further support could be offered to improve outcomes for care leavers.

There could also be questions on the role of Virtual School Heads, whose purpose is to support the achievements of looked-after children through their education and after they leave care.


Tuesday 19th October at 10am:

  • Victoria Langer, Interim Chief Executive, Become (appearing virtually) 
  • Patrick Ward, Chair of the National Association of Virtual School Headteachers (NAVSH), and Headteacher of Lewisham Virtual School (in person) 
  • Mark Russell, Chief Executive, The Children’s Society (in person) 
  • Hannah McCowen, Manager, National Care Leavers Benchmarking Forum, and Catch 22 (in person) 

Further information

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