Committee holds evidence session on combined authorities
19 June 2020
The Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee hears from scrutiny bodies: National Audit Office; Centre for Public Scrutiny and the Local Government Information Unit, and stakeholder groups: CBI; UNISON and the Workers' Education Association on the impact of recent devolution deals in England.
- Watch Parliament TV: Progress on devolution in England
- Inquiry: Progress on devolution in England
- Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee
Monday 22 June - virtual session
At 3.30pm
Panel one: Scrutiny organisations
- Abdool Kara, National Audit Office
- Ed Hammond, Centre for Public Scrutiny
- Andrew Walker, Local Government Information Unit
Panel two: Stakeholders
- Jim Hubbard, CBI
- Simon Parkinson, Workers' Education Association
- Mike Short, UNISON
Purpose of the session
There are 10 combined authorities in England with bespoke arrangements for funding and powers, including responsibility for transport and economic development. Eight of the ten combined authorities have directly elected mayors to oversee the implementation of these new powers.
The session will examine the performance of existing combined authority deals, including their ability to deliver change in the areas within their remit and the effectiveness of current mechanisms for governance and scrutiny. It will also consider options for reforming devolution deals, including powers over taxation or greater responsibility for education or infrastructure.
Further information
Image: Pixabay