Accessing pension savings inquiry: Work and Pensions Committee to hold first oral evidence session
14 June 2021
The Work and Pensions Committee is holding the first oral evidence in the inquiry, examining the options open to people when they come to access their pensions, and the advice and guidance which is available.
- Watch the session on Parliament TV
- Inquiry: Protecting pension savers – five years on from the Pension Freedoms: Accessing pension savings
- Work and Pensions Committee
The accessing pension savings inquiry is part of the Committee’s work examining the impact of the pension freedoms and the protection of savers and follows on from its report on pension scams. The freedoms were introduced in 2015 with the aim of giving people aged over 55 more control over how and when they could access their savings.
Giving evidence in this first evidence session will be two panels of pension policy experts, including from professional organisations and representative bodies. The meeting will explore how savers should be supported into their retirement, the options available for accessing their pensions and issues around advice and guidance. Witnesses could also be asked about the role and effectiveness of pension dashboards.
Wednesday 16 June 2021
Panel 1, at 9.30am:
- Chris Brooks, Head of Policy, Age UK
- Renny Biggins, Head of Retirement, The Investing and Saving Alliance
- Laurie Edmans, Commissioner, The Financial Inclusion Commission
- Dr Julia Mundy, Member, The Financial Services Consumer Panel
Panel 2:
- Tess Page, Chair of DC Committee, Association of Consulting Actuaries
- Yvonne Braun, Director of Policy, Long Term Savings & Protection, Association of British Insurers
- Joe Dabrowski, Deputy Director Policy Pensions, and Lifetime Savings Association
- Paul McBride, COO of HSBC Retirement Services Limited (HRSL), The Society of Pension Professionals
Further information
- Parliament is still closed to visitors and the session will be available to watch at
- About Parliament: Select committees
- Visiting Parliament: Watch committees