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COVID-19: Local Government finance


Local authority finances are under significant pressure in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, with central government asking local authorities to deliver many additional services on top of the cost of many existing services increasing, opportunities to implement savings programmes being disrupted, and various locally generated income streams have fallen.

These challenges follow a decade in which local authority funding has reduced while demand for key services has risen. As a result, the ability of authorities to maintain financial and service sustainability this year and over the medium-term is being tested.

The Committee will question senior officials at HM Treasury and MHCLG on the evolving financial pressures on local government and support provided by central government, and whether government has taken effective steps both in asking local government to deliver new services and in meeting its responsibilities for supporting financial sustainability across the sector.

If you have evidence on these questions, please submit it here by 6:00 pm on Thursday 11 March 2021.