Lords committee explores public health advice for healthy ageing
28 January 2020
The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee will continue its inquiry into Ageing: Science, Technology and Healthy Living by exploring the role of public health advice.
- Parliament TV: Ageing: Science, Technology and Healthy Living
- Inquiry: Ageing: Science, Technology and Healthy Living
- Science and Technology Committee
Purpose of sessions
Following on from its evidence session of Tuesday 5 November 2019 about the links between lifestyles throughout life and health in old age, the Committee will consider how that information is conveyed in public health advice. The Committee will question senior representatives from national health authorities, local government, and charities to understand approaches for encouraging people to exercise, eat healthily, and reduce harmful habits.
Tuesday 28 January in Committee Room 1, Palace of Westminster
At 10.25am
- Elaine Rashbrook, Consultant Specialist, Life Course, Public Health England (PHE)
- Dr Alison Giles, Associate Director for Healthy Ageing, Centre for Ageing Better and Public Health England
- Cllr Ian Hudspeth, Chair, Local Government Association's Community Wellbeing Board, and Leader of Oxfordshire County Council
At around 11.25am
- Professor Maggie Rae, President, Faculty of Public Health
- Ruthe Isden, Head of Health Influencing, Age UK
- David Sinclair, Director, International Longevity Centre - UK
Possible questions
- Is healthy ageing a public health priority?
- What are the knowledge gaps about the effectiveness of public health interventions for healthy ageing?
- Are regulatory interventions more effective than “nudge” interventions for encouraging behaviour change with regards to healthy ageing?
- What are the main barriers to individuals acting on public health messages for healthy ageing?
- What is the role of public health and other services in tackling inequalities in health in old age?
- What will be the role of public health in trying to achieve the Government's aim of five extra years of healthy living by 2035?