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5 January 2022 - Technological Innovations and Climate Change: Negative Emissions Technologies - Oral evidence

Committee Environmental Audit Committee
Inquiry Technological Innovations and Climate Change: Negative Emissions Technologies

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 3:00pm (public)

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EAC explores merits of technologies that suck carbon directly out of the air

During this evidence session, members will explore the current technological developments of NETs and the role they can play in Government strategies to meet net zero and to move towards a low carbon economy. This session will look at the contribution and challenges of Direct Air Carbon Capture and Storage (DACCS), which directly removes carbon from the atmosphere, and wider economic and political challenges in supporting the development of NETs.

The Committee will first hear from experts and industry representatives. In the second panel Committee members will hear from academics and the Climate Change Committee.

Meeting details

At 3:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Technological Innovations and Climate Change: Negative Emissions Technologies
At 4:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Technological Innovations and Climate Change: Negative Emissions Technologies


Room 15, Palace of Westminster

How to attend