Education Committee to quiz Children’s Commissioner and Ofsted on outcomes for children in residential care
The Children’s Commissioner for England, Dame Rachel de Souza, will be among witnesses questioned by the Education Committee on 11 January, as part of its inquiry into children’s homes.
This inquiry has examined the educational and longer-term outcomes of children in residential care, as well as the adequacy of provision for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), unregulated provision, and the sufficiency of children’s home places.
Likely areas of questioning
The cross-party group of MPs is likely to ask the witnesses, who include the National Director for Social Care at Ofsted Yvette Stanley, about why the number of children placed into care has grown in recent years.
The Committee is also likely to ask about the high percentage of care-leavers who are not in education or training, and what can be done to improve outcomes.
Members may also ask why children in care are less likely to attend a good or outstanding school than other children, despite the Schools Admissions Code prioritising them for places, and why children in care experience delays in being allocated a place.
During this evidence session, the Committee was also due to hear evidence from representatives of Solihull Council in relation to the murder of six-year-old Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, who was known to the local authority’s children’s services. This part of the session has been postponed until the Joint Targeted Area Inspection and a national review, led by the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel, have been completed.