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27 October 2021 - Scrutiny of HM Government Command Paper ‘Northern Ireland Protocol: the way forward’ - Oral evidence

Committee Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland Sub-Committee
Inquiry Scrutiny of HM Government Command Paper ‘Northern Ireland Protocol: the way forward’

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Start times: 3:00pm (private) 4:00pm (public)

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Committee scrutinises UK and EU proposals on future of the Protocol

From 4:00pm on Wednesday 27 October, the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland Sub-Committee takes evidence from academic experts about the Government’s Command Paper and European Commission’s proposals on the future of the Protocol.

Watch the evidence session on Scrutiny of HM Government Command Paper ‘Northern Ireland Protocol: the way forward’


On 21 July 2021, the UK Government published a Command Paper laying out its vision for the future of the Protocol, including removing the burdens on trade in goods within the UK, enhancing the role of the Northern Ireland Executive, making changes to State aid rules in respect of Northern Ireland and replacing jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice (CJEU). On 13 October the European Commission published four papers outlining proposals to simplify sanitary and phytosanitary controls and customs formalities and procedures, to secure the supply of medicines from Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and to enhance engagement with Northern Ireland stakeholders and authorities.

Meeting details

At 3:00pm: Private discussion
Work Scrutiny of HM Government Command Paper ‘Northern Ireland Protocol: the way forward’ (Non-inquiry session)
At 4:00pm: Oral evidence
Work Scrutiny of HM Government Command Paper ‘Northern Ireland Protocol: the way forward’ (Non-inquiry session)

Possible questions include:

  • How would you summarise the socio-economic and political impact of the Protocol, nearly ten months after it came into force?
  • What is your overall assessment of the Government’s Command Paper? Do the proposals represent a viable means to address the current impasse?
  • Is it possible to resolve the most technical issues, including on medicines, SPS and customs, within the scope of the Protocol?
  • What is your assessment of the Government’s proposals to replace the jurisdiction of the CJEU over the Protocol and are there any viable alternatives?
  • How likely is it that the UK will trigger Article 16 and what would be the political, legal and economic implications if this were to happen?
  • What is your overall assessment of the EU’s proposals? Do they go far enough in addressing the problems that have arisen under the Protocol?
  • What is your assessment of the Commission’s proposals for engagement with Northern Ireland stakeholders and authorities?
  • Do you see potential for compromise between the UK and EU positions? What practical steps can the UK and EU take to reach a compromise?

Further information



Room 4, Palace of Westminster

How to attend