What’s changed for public services users since the beginning of COVID-19?
Members of the public speak about their experience of public services during the pandemic.
Meeting details
At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Public services: lessons from coronavirus
At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Public services: lessons from coronavirus
At 11:00am: Oral evidence
Public services: lessons from coronavirus
- ParliamentLive.tv: Public evidence session with service users on Government response to the Committee’s first report
- Public Services Committee
Possible questions
- Over the last 12 months have public services performed better, worse or the same in identifying and meeting your needs?
- Over the last 12 months what role has the voluntary sector played in supporting you?
- Over the last 12 months how, if at all, has your experience of accessing digital services changed? What are the positives and negatives of using digital services? Have you been involved in designing digital services?
- The Government told the Committee that it recognises “the value of co-production and designing services with, and around, those who use them”. In the last 12 months have you felt more involved, or less involved, in deciding how services should meet your needs?
- Over the next 12 months what changes would you like to see in the services that you rely on?