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9 June 2021 - Procurement and public services - Oral evidence

Committee Public Services Committee
Inquiry Procurement and public services

Wednesday 9 June 2021

Start times: 3:00pm (private) 3:00pm (public)

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NHS and local authority procurement and commissioning experts discuss their experience

The committee will explore procurement and commissioning with hospital and council chiefs and other experts

Meeting details

At 3:00pm: Oral evidence
Work Procurement and public services (Non-inquiry session)
At 4:00pm: Oral evidence
Work Procurement and public services (Non-inquiry session)

Possible questions

  • What are the main barriers to the NHS and local government achieving effective, place-based and social value-focused commissioning? How can such barriers be addressed?
  • What vehicle would you recommend that the Government use to reform local commissioning practices? Could it use new legislation such as the Procurement Bill or Health and Care Bill, updated guidance and training for commissioners, funding reform, or something else?
  • Why are some NHS bodies and councils better at collaborative commissioning than others, and how can commissioners learn from best practice?
  • How might the forthcoming Procurement Bill and Health and Social Care Bill encourage a collaborative and social value-focused approach to commissioning?

 Further information


Virtual Meeting (Webcast)