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20 April 2021 - Decarbonising heat in homes - Oral evidence

Committee Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee
Inquiry Decarbonising heat in homes

Tuesday 20 April 2021

Start times: 9:45am (private) 10:30am (public)

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Scope of the session

This is the third evidence session for the inquiry. Throughout the course of the inquiry, the cost of decarbonising domestic heating has been a recurring theme. The purpose of the session is to:

  • Consider the range of the overall projected costs to decarbonise domestic heating.
  • Consider what the distributional impacts will be on consumers, taxpayers, business, the fuel poor, and the Government, amongst others.
  • Explore the fiscal impacts of past and current policies, and lessons that can be learned from the failure of past policies to encourage significant take-up of low carbon heating systems.
  • Investigate incentives and regulatory measures that can be employed to encourage take-up of low carbon heating systems.

Meeting details

At 10:30am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Decarbonising heat in homes


Virtual meeting