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28 January 2021 - Future UK-EU relations: trade in services - Oral evidence

Committee EU Services Sub-Committee
Inquiry Future UK-EU relations: trade in services

Thursday 28 January 2021

Start times: 10:00am (private) 10:00am (public)

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Experts give evidence on the future UK-EU relationship on trade in services

The EU Services Sub-Committee hears evidence from the professional and business services sector, and the research and education sector, on the future UK-EU relationship on trade in services.

Meeting details

At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Future UK-EU relations: trade in services
At 11:30am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Future UK-EU relations: trade in services

Possible questions

  • How important is the agreement of the TCA between the UK and EU for trade in professional, business and digital services?
  • The TCA establishes a framework for the future recognition of professional qualifications. How optimistic are you that qualifications will be recognised through this framework, and over what timescale?

  • How important is the agreement of the TCA between the UK and EU for the UK’s research and education sector?

  • What does the UK’s decision to associate with the EU’s Horizon Europe programme mean for the sector? Given that the UK and EU still need to finalise the details of the UK’s participation in Horizon Europe, what should the Government’s priorities be for these negotiations?

  • What should the Government’s priorities be for domestic research funding, in addition to the Horizon Europe programme? Do these align with the proposals in the Research and Development Roadmap, published in July 2020?

Further information


Virtual meeting (webcast)