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19 January 2021 - The UK-Spain Agreement on Gibraltar - Oral evidence

Committee European Union Committee
Inquiry The UK-Spain Agreement on Gibraltar

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Start times: 3:00pm (private) 4:00pm (public)

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Chief Minister Hon Fabian Picardo QC MP questioned on the UK-Spain agreement on Gibraltar 

The Lords EU Committee discusses the UK-Spain agreement on Gibraltar with Hon Fabian Picardo QC MP, Chief Minister of Gibraltar.


Meeting details

At 4:00pm: Oral evidence
Work The UK-Spain Agreement on Gibraltar (Non-inquiry session)

Topics for Discussion 

  • Events leading up to the agreement reached with Spain 
  • The key principles underpinning the agreement 
  • The impact of the agreement on the ground at ports, airports and the border crossing with Spain 
  • The operation of the bespoke customs union between the EU and Gibraltar 

Further information 


Virtual meeting