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20 January 2021 - Procurement and public services - Oral evidence

Committee Public Services Committee
Inquiry Procurement and public services

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Start times: 3:15pm (private) 3:15pm (public)

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Peers to quiz Government spending watchdog on pandemic procurement

Since the start of the of the COVID-19 pandemic the National Audit Office (NAO) has published several reports on public procurement

Meeting details

At 3:15pm: Oral evidence
Work Procurement and public services (Non-inquiry session)
At 4:15pm: Oral evidence
Work Procurement and public services (Non-inquiry session)

Today the Public Services Committee hears from the NAO, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) and representatives from Lloyds Bank Foundation and Children England . The Committee will discuss procurement and public services and what those awarding public contracts  will need to do in future to avoid mistakes made during the pandemic.

Possible questions

  • What lessons should the Government learn about emergency procurement?
  • Is existing procurement law and policy adequate for contracting in times of crisis?
  • Has transparency in public procurement increased or decreased during the coronavirus pandemic?
  • How can procurement procedures encourage those delivering public services to innovate?
  • Do proposals in the Government’s Procurement Green Paper allow for the same flexibility seen during the pandemic?
  • Do the proposals take full advantage of the UK’s greater freedom to favour local public service providers and prioritise social value in commissioning and procurement?
  • Are the ambitions of the Green Paper at risk of being hindered by funding pressures on local government?
  • How much is the future viability of small charities and local social enterprises which specialise in delivering public services dependent on a shift towards a grant model of funding?

Further information


Virtual meeting (webcast)