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2 November 2020 - Draft Finance Bill 2021 - Oral evidence

Committee Finance Bill Sub-Committee
Inquiry Draft Finance Bill 2021

Monday 2 November 2020

Start times: 4:15pm (private) 4:15pm (public)

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Jesse Norman MP faces Sub-Committee with questions on tax compliance reforms

The Sub-Committee will be holding the ninth and final public evidence hearing of their inquiry into the 2021 Draft Finance Bill with Jesse Norman MP, Financial Secretary to the Treasury. Evidence gathered from previous public sessions with licensing bodies, HMRC officials, tax law bodies, taxi drivers, and others is being used to inform much of the Sub-Committee’s questioning of  the Financial Secretary.

Meeting details

At 4:15pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Draft Finance Bill 2021
At 5:45pm: Private discussion
Inquiry Draft Finance Bill 2021

Possible questions:

  • With regard to the loan charge, what do you say to many people who entered these schemes in good faith and are facing extremely aggressive action by HMRC?
  • Why are you not proposing tougher penalties for the promoters who are found to be enabling tax abuse?
  • Do you blame the Tax Tribunal for delays in dealing with international information?
  • Why does the Government not introduce legislation designed to specifically target the minority of large business customers that continue to use aggressive tax planning, rather than introduce a broad disclosure regime affecting all businesses?
  • The licensing authorities have made it clear that they intend to pass the cost of the tax check process to applicants in increased fees. Is this fair to compliant applicants who pay their taxes?

Further information


Virtual meeting (webcast)