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14 May 2024 - The UK’s engagement with the Middle East and North Africa - Oral evidence

Committee Foreign Affairs Committee
Inquiry The UK’s engagement with the Middle East and North Africa

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Start times: 8:50am (private) 9:00am (public)

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FCDO Minister Lord Ahmad to give evidence on the Middle East and North Africa

Lord Ahmad, Minister of State in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) with responsibility for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) faces questions from the Foreign Affairs Committee in an evidence session at 09.00 on Tuesday 14 May. The evidence session is part of the Committee’s inquiry into the UK’s engagement with the Middle East and North Africa.

Meeting details

At 9:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry The UK’s engagement with the Middle East and North Africa

Lord Ahmad appears alongside Stephen Hickey, Director for Middle East and North Africa in the FCDO.

The session explores the FCDO’s understanding of the challenges, threats and opportunities for the UK in the Middle East and North Africa, and how the Government is currently addressing, and planning to address, them, both bilaterally and multilaterally, in concert with partners both within and from outside the region.

Questions are likely to include an assessment of the FCDO’s objectives in the MENA region and the extent to which these have been achieved. The session is likely to cover the outlook for the UK’s engagement with countries in the region, both bilaterally and in collaboration with partners both within and outside MENA. There may be a particular focus on the role of Iran, with attention also paid to other external players such as China, Russia and Turkey. 


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

How to attend