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14 May 2024 - Engineering biology - Oral evidence

Committee Science and Technology Committee (Lords)
Inquiry Engineering biology

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Start times: 10:00am (private) 10:15am (public)

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The House of Lords Science and Technology Committee will take evidence from leading business entrepreneurs and national laboratories as part of its ongoing inquiry into engineering biology.  The committee seeks to understand how the Government might help remove some of the challenges faced by UK companies in obtaining investment and scaling-up, including the role of IP. 

Meeting details

At 10:00am: Private discussion
Inquiry Engineering biology
At 10:15am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Engineering biology
At 11:15am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Engineering biology


The session will focus on the challenges faced by companies wanting to scale up within the UK, including those arising from IP; what the Government could do to encourage companies to list in the UK; and how successful schemes such as those undertaken by Innovate UK and the proposed Mansion House reforms might be. 

Possible question areas include:  

  • The major obstacles to companies looking to scale up in the UK 
  • The sources of scale-up funding and limiting factors in obtaining such funding 
  • The IP challenges faced by start-ups in the engineering biology sector 
  • The reasons companies choose to list in other countries 


Room 4, Palace of Westminster

How to attend