Securing the domestic supply chain inquiry: Nuclear and Renewables Minister Andrew Bowie MP to face questions from ESNZ Committee
Minister for Nuclear and Renewables Andrew Bowie MP will appear before the Energy Security and Net Zero Committee in the final session of the inquiry examining the potential for UK manufacturing to play a greater role in the supply chain for low-carbon energy projects and the Government support available.
Meeting details
The securing the domestic supply chain inquiry has been exploring where in the sector is the greatest potential for UK manufacturers to make a difference and how growing a more local supply chain could help reach the goal of a secure, decarbonised electricity sector by 2035.
The Minister will be asked about the issues raised in previous evidence sessions. Questions are likely to range from what the Government is doing to ensure there is enough capacity in the supply chain to deliver low carbon energy through to those on how the UK can compete internationally, policy on offshore wind and ports, and the effectiveness of the Green Industries Growth Accelerator.