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8 May 2024 - Devolution of employment support - Oral evidence

Committee Work and Pensions Committee
Inquiry Devolution of employment support

Wednesday 8 May 2024

Start times: 9:15am (private) 9:25am (public)

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Devolution of employment support inquiry: Work and Pensions Committee holds first oral evidence session

The oral evidence stage of the Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into the devolution of employment support gets underway with a session featuring think tanks, academics, third sector organisations and a local authority.

Meeting details

At 9:25am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Devolution of employment support
At 10:25am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Devolution of employment support

The inquiry follows the Committee’s July 2023 Plan for Jobs and employment support report, which recommended DWP devolve future employment support programmes to groups of local authorities. This current inquiry is examining the main opportunities and challenges associated with such a move, the role DWP would play, how funding would be allocated to local areas, and the impact of any changes on employers, providers and people with additional needs.

The Committee will explore with the first panel the main factors behind economic inactivity and the impact further devolution of support might have. The second panel will focus on the role of the third sector in providing employment support.


Room 16, Palace of Westminster

How to attend