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20 May 2024 - Intergovernmental Relations: The Civil Service - Oral evidence

Committee Scottish Affairs Committee
Inquiry Intergovernmental Relations: The Civil Service

Monday 20 May 2024

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 2:30pm (public)

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MPs examine the workings of the Civil Service in Whitehall and Edinburgh

The Scottish Affairs Committee hold the first evidence session of its inquiry into the civil service’s dual role supporting both the Scottish and UK Governments.

During this session, MPs hear from Richard Parry, an Honorary Fellow at the University of Edinburgh, and Philip Rycroft, former head of the Cabinet Office’s UK Governance Group.

Meeting details

At 2:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Intergovernmental Relations: The Civil Service

Members explore the challenges and opportunities presented by the unitary civil service model in Great Britain, which supports the work of both the UK and Scottish Governments.

Members of the Committee may choose to question witnesses on how they perceive the civil service has responded to the policy divergences between the two Governments since devolution, and how ministerial relationships can impact the relationships between officials working in each Government.

MPs could also discuss views on civil service activity in Scotland in policy areas such as Scottish independence and foreign relations.


Room 6, Palace of Westminster

How to attend