How does the Government decide to invest in transport infrastructure? MPs to question experts
The Transport Committee continues its strategic transport objectives inquiry by asking experts how the Government appraises different types of investment in transport infrastructure and whether the current system strikes the right balance between environmental, social and economic considerations.
Meeting details
When Government departments weigh up the pros and cons of whether to build new infrastructure, they refer to methodologies in the Treasury’s Green Book. This document was revised in 2020 so that spending decisions could be based on a wider set of social factors, and in response to criticism that previous ways of deciding investment skewed spending away from disadvantaged areas of the country. The updated Green Book also placed greater emphasis on the strategic case for projects.
MPs will ask witnesses about how the updated Green Book has worked in practice with planning investment in new transport projects, whether Whitehall uses it effectively, whether it is used with sufficient transparency, and how well it incentivises transport investment.
Witnesses will also be asked to comment on whether they believe the Government has a clear long-term plan for investment in transport, how it could encourage greater private investment in infrastructure, and how effectively government departments work in a coordinated, joined up way to plan new infrastructure.