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26 March 2024 - Grassroots music venues - Oral evidence

Committee Culture, Media and Sport Committee
Inquiry Grassroots music venues

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Start times: 9:30am (private) 10:00am (public)

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How can the Government support grassroots music venues?

The Culture, Media and Sport Committee hold a session as part of a short inquiry into the ongoing crisis facing grassroots music venues (GMVs).

Last year, 125 GMVs across the UK closed, equivalent to over a tenth of the industry. The inquiry aims to explore the specific issues facing GMVs and how to prevent further venue closures.

Meeting details

At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Grassroots music venues
At 10:45am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Grassroots music venues
At 11:30am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Grassroots music venues

In the first part of the session, the cross-party committee questions representatives of live music venues and organisations. MPs may seek to establish the scale and urgency of the GMV crisis, as well as the panel’s views on current Government support, including extended business rate relief and support from Arts Council England (ACE). Questions could also focus on a possible levy on arena and stadium tickets sales, which would be used to support GMVs.

MPs then hear from promoters and PRS for Music, an organisation which manages rights and collects revenues for songwriters, composers and publishers. Questions could gauge the live music ecosystem, from local authorities to promoters, and whether witnesses support a proposed arena and stadium levy. Members are likely to explore calls from the sector for the Government to reduce VAT on live event tickets, as it did during the pandemic, and ACE funding.

The third panel features artists and artist businesses. Members could discuss the importance of GMVs for upcoming artists and revenues, a cost-of-touring crisis for artists and venues’ commissions on merchandise sales.  


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

How to attend