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6 March 2024 - Keeping the power on: our future energy technology mix - Oral evidence

Committee Energy Security and Net Zero Committee
Inquiry Keeping the power on: our future energy technology mix

Wednesday 6 March 2024

Start times: 9:30am (private) 10:00am (public)

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Keeping the power on inquiry: ESNZ Committee holds oral evidence session on UK’s future energy technology mix

The Energy Security and Net Zero Committee’s inquiry into how the UK’s energy mix needs to change to deliver enough capacity while meeting Net Zero targets continues with a session exploring the evidence heard so far and how it fits in with the Government’s existing approach and plans.

Meeting details

At 10:00am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Keeping the power on: our future energy technology mix
At 10:45am: Oral evidence
Inquiry Keeping the power on: our future energy technology mix

The session will probe whether the Government is striking the right balance between supporting particular low carbon technologies while keeping a range of options in play. There are likely to be questions on the level of financial and non-financial support, possible reforms to strategic planning and whether more could be done to coordinate policy on decarbonisation of electricity, heat and transport.

MPs could also explore views on whether the Government is doing enough on energy security and what role energy sources such as gas, nuclear and bioenergy should play in the future mix.

The first panel will feature witnesses from the Climate Change Committee and Electricity System Operator before the Committee goes on to question energy and environmental policy experts.


The Grimond Room, Portcullis House

How to attend