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27 February 2024 - Humanitarian situation in Gaza - Oral evidence

Committee International Development Committee
Inquiry Humanitarian situation in Gaza

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Start times: 2:00pm (private) 2:30pm (public)

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Members of the International Development Committee recently returned from Egypt, including Al-Arish in Sinai which has become the main logistics centre for the distribution of international aid and the site of a hospital for Gazans evacuated there for medical treatment.

The MPs saw first-hand the horrific nature of injuries there and heard direct testimony from aid workers on conditions in Gaza; they described it as the worst they had been exposed to in their significant professional experience. The UN reports that 70% of the casualties in the conflict are women and children; according to the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, 57% of the Gazans removed to Egypt with injuries attributable to the conflict are under 19.

Meeting details

At 2:30pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry Humanitarian situation in Gaza

Dr Richard Brennan, Regional Emergency Director at the World Health Organisation and Matthew Hollingworth, Palestine Country Director at the World Food Programme – which recently announced it would be forced to stop some food aid deliveries because of threats and violence toward its staff and looting of its trucks – will give evidence on their operations under current conditions in Gaza, and in the West Bank.


Room 15, Palace of Westminster

How to attend