EU Committees question COP President on Climate Change and COP26
The EU Sub-Committees question BEIS Secretary of State and COP President Alok Sharma about the Government’s preparations for COP26 and follow up on issues raised in each of the committees’ inquiry work.
Meeting details
Areas of discussion
Earlier this year five House of Lords Committees held their own climate evidence sessions, and in this meeting representatives from each committee will ask questions related to the evidence they heard, well as questions about the Government’s preparations for the UN climate conference next November.
Members will be asking the Secretary of State about:
- Preparations for COP 26
- Green finance
- State aid and meeting climate targets
- Climate change and international development
- International carbon markets
- Climate change and migration
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Climate change and trade policy
- UK as a climate leader
- Cross-Whitehall working