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7 February 2024 - A flexible grid for the future - Oral evidence

Committee Energy Security and Net Zero Committee
Inquiry A flexible grid for the future

Wednesday 7 February 2024

Start times: 1:30pm (private) 2:00pm (public)

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A flexible grid for the future inquiry: ESNZ Committee holds session on locational pricing and strategic network planning

The fourth oral evidence session in the Energy Security and Net Zero Committee’s flexible grid for the future inquiry investigates the case for introducing locational pricing to the wholesale electricity market. It also examines the Government’s response to the Electricity Networks Commissioner’s report on accelerating the deployment of electricity transmission infrastructure.

Meeting details

At 2:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry A flexible grid for the future
At 3:00pm: Oral evidence
Inquiry A flexible grid for the future

The first panel focuses on the issue of the introduction of nodal or zonal pricing in the market. MPs are likely to explore with the witnesses on both sides of the debate the risks and benefits, and how it would impact consumers, businesses and investors.

The second panel features the Electricity Networks Commissioner, who reported to the Government in August on how to accelerate the deployment of strategic electricity transmission infrastructure. He will be appearing alongside a representative from Energy System Catapult, which informed his work.


Room 15, Palace of Westminster

How to attend